Bullying is not tolerated at Grainville School. We take all incidents of this nature very seriously. It is well researched and documented that bullying at school can affect those targeted well in to their adult lives, sometimes with extreme impact on their mental health.
We have a robust Anti-bullying policy which out lines the procedures that we follow.
Should you have any concerns of this nature please report all incidents to your child’s form tutor. You can also contact our Pastoral Leaders or, if necessary, our Safeguarding Lead, Miss Ward on the numbers given below. If there is a member of staff that you would prefer to contact please do and they will pass it on accordingly.
Pastoral Leaders:
Miss Dempster: 822987 a.dempster@grainville.sch.je
Miss Shipton-Taylor 822942 j.shiptontaylor@grainville.sch.je
Miss Bentley 822919 k.bentley@grainville.sch.je
Mr D Garton 822946 d.garton@grainville.sch.je
Miss Ward 822985 p.ward@grainville.sch.je
Mrs Mallett 822955 k.mallett@grainville.sch.je