Grainville School has a clear expectation that all students achieve a minimum of 96% attendance. Attendance is often a symptom of bigger issues surrounding a student’s overall social and emotional well-being. If a student is not coping in any aspect of their life, attendance is often a key indicator. At Grainville, we monitor and analyse all attendance data as much as possible. We can then use this data as an early indicator of bigger problems. We believe and endeavour to work preventively wherever possible and to include multi-agencies where appropriate in order to safeguard and achieve the best outcome for our young people.
The Importance of Attendance 2024
Leave of absence requests
Leave of absence requests during term time will be assessed against the target figure and declined if the child’s attendance is below the school target of 96%. Under no circumstances will the school give permission for leave of absence requests for family holidays. Leave of absence requests will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances.
“The Education Department does not, at any time, support leave during term time, however, in exceptional circumstances headteachers have the discretionary power to grant leave in accordance with the Education Department Attendance Policy (last update May 2016)” Policy page 9
Holidays and the Law
The law says that parents do not have the right to take their child out of school for holidays during term time. At the discretion of the head teacher a student can be granted leave in exceptional circumstances. If the school refuses a request for term time leave and your child is taken out of school, this will be recorded as unauthorised absence.
Leave of absence form
Application for Leave of Absence
ormulário de licença para ausência escolar
For further advice and information about students taking holidays in term time or for all other enquiries concerning your child’s attendance please contact:
Claudia DeSousa – Attendance Officer
Tel: 01534 822921