GCSE/BTEC/CNAT Examination Regulations.
All public examinations have to follow rules laid down by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ). These regulations are to ensure that the integrity and security of the examination system is always maintained and not brought into disrepute. As an exam centre, Grainville School has a legal responsibility to uphold these regulations and conduct exams within their rules. Any breaches in the rules have to be reported to the examination board.
Documents for students: Students have a responsibility to follow the rules when taking examinations and completing coursework. The rules will be explained to all students in school assemblies and by their teachers. A copy of the regulations will also be sent to students and parents with Statements of Entry for exams.
It is also important that students read through the documents attached below as they not only explain what can and cannot be done, they also give some support and advice that can help: